Labor Pains - The Birth of a Contract
This exhibit presents excerpts from the pamphlet, "The Story
of the First Contract," published by the Hotel and Motel Trades
Council of New York in 1972 on the occasion of the 35th anniversary
of its first labor agreement covering New York City's hotel workers.
The pamphlet tells of the early struggles of these workers, the
birth of their union and the signing of the first of a series of
contract that established the wages and working conditions they
enjoy today.
The exhibit also shows how the union used a variety of artistic
techniques to help convey its message. Except for the first painting,
all of the photographs and drawings used in this exhibit are from "The
Story of the First Contract."
of Jay Rubin painted by Raphael Soyer.
cover: "the story of the first contract."
The 35th anniversary celebration of the Hotel and Motel Trades
Council was held before a packed Madison Square Garden. Founding
president Jay Rubin said that "above all, with the signing
of the first contract, we brought dignity to one of the most depressed
and exploited categories of workers."
Rubin addressing the June 1, 1972 Hotel Workers' Rally.
of worker carrying a tray as he slinks past
the table.
President Rubin wrote that in the years before they had a contract
the workers "were regarded as servants who were entitled to
no rights and who probably wouldn't know how to exercise them anyway."
1912, the same year in which the cartoon appeared was also the
year of the first general strike of New York City's hotel and restaurant
workers. It started at noon on May 7, and within two weeks, some
18,000 hotel and restaurant workers were on strike.
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