
Drawing of Christ, a cross and a photograph of a lynching, The Crisis, December, 1911.

This drawing, titled "Jesus Christ in Georgia", appeared accompanying a short fictional story about a lynching by Du Bois. The crime of lynching was a most critical issue during these decades, and it received considerable attention in The Crisis. Du Bois and guest columnists wrote extensively about its horrors, and about proposed anti-lynching bills, and the magazine published statistics of lynchings every month. But DuBois knew that words and numbers were not enough. He also published photographs of lynching victims, political cartoons which confronted the racist attitudes of white southern "Christians," and original works of art portraying lynching. These visual images forced his readers to confront the realities of lynching. The written word was too horrifying, and visuals were surely the most powerful statement made about lynching.

This drawing (signed "L.R.L.")and the one following are two of many powerful visual condemnations of lynching published in The Crisis magazine during these years.