The 20th anniversary paperback edition of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives—A Pictorial History of Working People in New York City reveals a highly personal view of the economic and cultural context of work in twentieth century New York City. Authors Rachel Bernstein and the late Debra Bernhardt tell the critical stories of organized labor’s contributions to NYC over the course of the 20th century (warts and all) as part of the larger history. The beautiful, accessible format uses resonant images (and careful captions) to tell a good bit of the story, characters emerge in the photos, most by labor photographers, and the substantial excerpts from oral history interviews.
Past Events
Annual Bernhardt Labor Journalism Forum
Recordings available here.
Virtual book launch
Discussion with young workers at Tamiment, Rachel Bernstein joined by Alexander Bernhardt Bloom, NYC Commissioner Pauline Toole, Manhattan Borough Historian Rob Snyder, former head of the New York City Central Labor Council Ed Ott, organizer Myriam Hernandez, construction worker Shi Greene, electrician Shauna Irving, teacher Donna Chin, and multidisciplinary artist Rachel Kara Perez. Recording available here.
Exhibit at NYC Municipal Archives
Featuring historical photos and photos from workers today. Available here.
Illustrated Lecture with guest Shi Green
Held at the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. Recording available here.
Guest talk on Constant Wonder with Marcus Smith
Aired on BYUradio. Recording available here.
Presented by:
LaborArts; New York Labor History Association; NYU’s Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives; NYC Department of Records and Information Services, Municipal Archives; and the New York City Central Labor Council
Explore powerful photographs from
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives
More photos can be found in the Labor Arts exhibit online.