Jane Kalmus
Kalmus was also a member of the Citizens Committee for New York City, a nonprofit group created by Senator Jacob Javitz to ameliorate the fiscal crisis of 1975. In 1984, Jane founded the National Nonpartisan Voter Registration Campaign (NNPVRC), a nonprofit organization that helped establish a 24/7 telephone helpline (212-VOTE-NYC) at the Board of Elections for New Yorkers. As President of NNPVRC, she is an active supporter and participant in the work of the Citywide Coalition for Voter Participation and Fair Elections, a major project of New York City’s good government groups devoted to enhancing voter participation citywide. In 1989, Jane was appointed by the New York City Council as the Manhattan representative on the Voter Assistance Commission (VAC) on which she served as Vice Chair from 1990 until 2010. She is also a fellow of the Culinary Institute of America, a Board Member on the Sutton Area Community (SAC), an organization for which she served as president for three years, and a Board member of the New York Youth Symphony. When VAC was amended to become the newly empowered Voter Assistance Advisory Committee, she was appointed by Speaker of the City Council Christine C. Quinn for a three year term. She only just stepped down from the position in December, after serving the citizens of the city for 53 years.